Sawtooth Palmetto on a postcard
This is the pretty fan-leaved shrubby tree that most people think of as a Palmetto. With a casual glance, they are hard to tell from the Sabal, but the Sabal’s leaves are not so round. I am really loving painting these trees in misty vague landscapes. I hope you are enjoying them too.
The area of Florida which includes Tallahassee has 4 native Palmettos. They are really hard to tell apart. They all have wonderful fans and catch the light in so many different ways, I want to make a study of them. Here is an attempt at the Sabal Palmetto. This little painting is for sale, $35.00.…
North Adams Street, Tallahassee
One of the nicest things about Florida (besides the alligators) are the ubiquitous live oak trees. These immense trees dominate the landscape and provide soothing shade with their massive umbrellas of leaves. This is a view I see almost every day; walking, bicycling and even driving in the car, it is near to where I…