Passionately Pink 2010

Two of my paintings were accepted into this, my first juried show. If you’re in the area, I’d love it if you could stop by. The opening day for an art show is always fun; there is food, drink and merriment.
Click on the thumbnails below to see the paintings I have entered in the show.

To support Susan G. Komen for the Cure, celebrate breast cancer survivors and raise awareness about breast cancer and resources in our community. Please join the C Art Gallery on Thursday, October 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m. to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month with our special, “Passionately Pink” group show exhibit.

All breast cancer survivors will be recognized with a gift from the gallery. There will also be breast health education information and resources throughout the exhibit.

Exhibit Dates: October 12-October 31

Work by the following artists will be on exhibit:

Sue Gill Rose
Pam Courtnage
Tracy Read
Debbie Halprin
Judith Helm
Beverly Shaw Starkovich
Blanca Santander
Michelle Ryan
Nanette Middlewood
Suzy Tidwell
Esperanza Grundy
Shirley Rudolf
Caitlin Dundon
Eden Hopkins
Brian Sostrom
Jane Mayer
Mimi Torchia Boothby
Eric Salisbury

*** A portion of each sale will be contributed to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.***


3 responses to “Passionately Pink 2010”

  1. We have so little culture here in G’ville that I’m sometimes jealous of all that goes on where you are. Your paintings entered are GREAT, Mimi. I’ll be interested in what the jury says, assuming that’s what happens. I entered some weavings in a juried show once and got great reviews, but no longer have a loom or time for that, sadly. Keep us posted.

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