The sulky debutante
There is a time in a young person’s life where they feel all grown up, but they aren’t and they also feel like their parents do not give them credit for their maturity. So, even though their bodies might be mature, or nearly so, they truly are still children, as they pout and sigh, and…
Valentine’s Day
As a small child, I loved making valentines. We were given paper lace doilies, construction paper and glue. We made the very most beautiful valentines that we could, intricate and pleasingly bright. Lucky for me, I had parents, because they were really the only appreciative recipients of my childhood valentines. But this one is for…
Blue cap on Mimi mirror portrait #12
I finally found time to paint today. This time I want you to see normal me. I often wear a hat like this when I am working in the yard or driving on a sunny day. This painting is a little large, so I am not able to put it on my scanner, thus it…
Baby Steps – Arwen
Every painter has their weaknesses. For some, it’s drawing faces, for others, painting hands. Some people are terrified of the color green, since it seems to be so hard to get it looking realistic and pleasing to the eye. I’ve been painting portraits for about 4 years now, portraits of the living and the dead,…
Winnie Boothby, a special Grandmother
When I first became involved with my then young husband, he often mentioned his “other grandmother” meaning the one that I could never meet, because she had already died. He told me stories about her, how she liked to go camping, how she treated him like he was special. His favorite story about her was…