Pomegranate – the jewel fruit
I don’t remember my first pomegranate, but I do remember as a child deciding that pomegranates deserved their own holiday. I chose the 28th of September – about the time they showed up in the supermarket. I insisted upon a pomegranate every year so I could celebrate that day. Over the years I have noticed…
Meeting in Bologna
Every time I go to Italy I try to find new places to go. In 2008 I went to Bologna with my good buddies Vanda and Rino. We met a friend of theirs there and “did the town”. Now about Bologna. Like most little kids of the 1950’s I ate a lot of Bologna (Baloney)…
Mercato di Catania
This is a 14″ x 20″ watercolor painting – $400.00 One of the most wonderful places in the world is the open air market. The one I painted today is in the Sicilian city of Catania next to their famous pescheria (fish market). Farmers bring their fresh vegetables, butchers bring their freshly cured meats, cheeses…
A year of progress – Catania, Sicily
I painted this first painting about a year ago but was very unhappy with it because it did not really catch the feeling of Catania. When I was a little girl, I often asked my grandmother Maddalena where she was born. She always answered me and I always promptly forgot what she said. I knew…
Niimi Dental Clinic – Old Kyoto
I enjoyed the first google maps “virtual plein aire” painting I did so much that I decided to do another one. This time, I searched a long time to try and find an older neighborhood. Most of Japan is extremely modern, clean lines, grey square framed homes over perfect streets, after a while, I am…