In my life – dandelions
One of my earliest memories was of Dandelions. As a tiny tot, I could gather them and possess a spot of sunshine in my hands. Naturally, they were everywhere. In fields, in cracks in the sidewalks, in slightly less manicured lawns, in parks, near schools.. And they had their own mystery of life. They went…
Free as a bird
When I try to imagine what life is like for a prisoner, I wonder what could uplift them. I don’t want to judge them, that is not my place. I only know that they are people too, with souls and wishes and dreams and very few joyful moments. I wanted to paint something for a…
Happy Mother’s Day
It was a sunny day in Naples when I saw this couple crossing the street. It was obviously a mother and a daughter. I loved the way the older woman leaned into the younger one, and how the robust young woman helped her mother negotiate the curb and traffic. In Naples, that is not an…
A Sunny Day in Seattle
It has been a long dark winter here. Day upon day of greyness and colder than normal temperatures have dulled the enthusiasm of even the most loyal Seattlelites. But a week ago the clouds parted and the sun came out and the temperature rose above 60 degrees for a day. I rode my bicycle across…
How to commission a portrait
Most people that want me to paint a portrait say “How much” and I tell them, right now I charge $175.00 for a portrait of one person and $250.00 for a portrait of two people. But not everyone commissions a portrait that way. The last time I went to Sersale, I brought a very special…