The Fishing Cat
The Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) is a medium-sized wild cat of South and Southeast Asia. They are twice the size of a domestic cat. Their claws do not retract all the way like most cats, and they love water. Not only do they swim and fish, but they swim underwater for long distances. Fishing cat…
A cat called the Kodkod – Oncifelis guigna
Happy New Year! Imagine a cat smaller than the cat on your lap; but it looks just like a Jaguar. What an amazing little creature! According to wikipedia they weigh up to five and one half pounds (my tiny cat Nutmeg weighs 8 pounds and she’s not overweight!) and they have a long thick tail.…
Felis Margarita – the Sand Cat
The Sand cat is an adorable looking little cat that can be found in desert areas of Northern Africa, Arabia and parts of Central Asia and Pakistan. They are a small cat, a large male weighs little more than six pounds. The sand cat has highly specialized feet and ears, perfectly designed for life in…
What does tortie love look like?
A tortoiseshell cat is a cat with both the red gene and the black gene, and they are called Tortie for short. Their fur is mottled in a mosaic of color,and the shapes and patterns are random. If a tortoiseshell cat has enough white on her, she is then called a Calico and her patches…
A cat lap hug – Aggie.
I have a wonderful cat that we call Aggie. She was born somewhere in Seattle under an abandoned car. She and her twin sister were trapped and rescued and then I was their foster mother and socialized them both. My husband decided I needed a particularly affectionate cat, so as I was preparing to get…