The most endangered cat in North and South America – The Andes Cat
This little cat is called locally “Gato Andino” its fur is greyish with brownish yellow blotches that are distributed as vertical lines at both sides of the body, giving the appearance of continuous stripes. The tail of the Andean cat is very long (66 – 75% of the head and body length), thick and cylindrical,…
The Black-footed cat
Now we must delve into the realm of incredibly cute. It is hard to imagine that something as little and as cute as these cats are could be so fierce and wild. But they are. They are also extremely energetic, unlike our house cats, they hunt all night leaving sleep for the daytime where they…
The Art chairs debut – Beacon Hill
Some time in November, I joined a local community project that involved painting a lot of boring looking folding chairs. I shared the story with a lot of people, and many wanted to see all the chairs together. Today they had their debut at the Beacon Hill Public Library, so I took photos of some…
Healing plants of Hawaii
A lot of you know that my husband spent nearly 2 months in the hospital, with the resultant weight loss and weakness from the length of time he was there. He was home for almost a month with no appreciable weight gain when we left for a week of sun in Hawaii. We stayed in…
Chace – the story of one serval
Gather round, I have a story to tell. While the Serval Cat, native to Africa, can be found south of the Sahara desert, it is not considered to be endangered, even though they are now extinct in many areas like Morocco,Tunisia and Algeria. This painting is of a cat named Chace, whose early life is…