Tom Hoffmann workshop – already Thursday
Time flies when you’re on vacation. Especially when you are painting all day. There was so much to see, so many beautiful corners of Oaxaca and its surrounding that Tom showed us. Tom Hoffmann leads several workshops every year. I wish I could do more of his workshops! On Thursday morning, we walked to a…
Tom Hoffmann workshop, San Agustin
On the fourth day of our workshop, Tom took us to Etla, a little town in the hills. They were having a mercado, where we snapped lots of pictures. The women in particular were very winsome, most of the older women had two long braids with ribbons braided into their hair and then connecting at…
Tom Hoffmann Workshop – El Mercado
On Tuesday morning of the Tom Hoffmann Oaxaca Workshop, we got up early and headed up the hill, in a direction we’d never gone. Our landmark was a tree. We found a Mercado easily enough, and the sign even said “Mercado Sanchez Perez” but when we asked people where it was, they all pointed in…
Tom Hoffmann workshop – arches and Jacarandas
On the third day of Tom Hoffmann‘s workshop, we rented a van and headed out to Cuilapam. This is an abandoned monastery, which is now an archaeology site. It was an impressive place, with lots of columns, arches and jacaranda trees covered with lavender flowers. I did painting after painting of arches. Tom told us…
Tom Hoffmann workshop in Oaxaca – day 1
In 2009, I wanted to go to Tom Hoffmann‘s Oaxaca workshop. Donald and I discussed it, and I was ready to make a commitment, but alas, that year, we had a huge income tax payment to make, so I just couldn’t justify going. I started thinking about it in 2013, but I had already made…