An evening ride
I love contrasty scenes with pretty skies and bikes. Need I say more?
a crow day
Today was a crow kind of day. June is the month of the year when the days are the longest, and the crows who are raising babies are waking up much earlier (and waking me up too) than they do other months of the year. As always, living in Seattle, I see crows all the…
Lilacs in Quebec
This morning, I came upon a beautiful photo, posted by a friend. It inspired me to paint. The lighting in the reference was sublime. I continue to work on one of the methods I learned in the workshop I did taught by Tom Hoffmann in Oaxaca.. Painting into wet paint, with a gradually drying brush..…
Study of the color elements of Van Gogh’s Blossoming Almond
Vincent Van Gogh, who died so young, is one of the painters that most inspire me. And amazingly, I continue to find paintings of his that are new to me. This wonderful painting really caught my attention. I couldn’t get it out of my head. So without looking at his painting, I tried to emulate…
After the picnic
Last night on my walk, I was observing crows, so this morning at Seward Park, when I saw some hanging around, I seized the opportunity to paint them. The crows were very hopeful because a little girl and her parents were feeding the ducks. Alas, the tot did not like the crows, so the crows…