Autumn Leaves – 2
Although this was painted in landscape view, I discovered it also looked nice cropped to portrait. Vivid colors and contrast, but I still did not get the effect I wanted on the leaves. The colors here continue to change, inspiring me along the way.
African Painted Dogs – Endangered
While it is true that I am a crazy cat lady, there are some breeds of dogs that I think are incredible. The African Painted Dog is one of them. They are one of the most endangered dog species, and also one of the most beautiful. They have a complicated social structure and thrive in…
Autumn Colors
This is the first of a series of exercises intended to attempt to capture the amazing colors that i see everywhere this time of year. My favorite colors at that.
Who speaks for wolf?
After watching an amazing video about wolves in the Yellowstone Park Ecosystem, I was moved to paint one. I will continue to speak for wolf as long as I am able. They exist on our planet for a reason. This video is proof of that.
Imperious Enza
Continuing experimentation with the 300 pound hand made cards my sister gave me. The experiment today was how fine can I go? Enza was just sitting there sweetly but when I looked up, she moved her paw into this pose, which I caught.. I thought she looked kind of cute, she thought she needed a…