Spiderwort – wildflowers of Florida
It is nearly spring here in Tallahassee, and more and more wild plants are starting to bud out and flower. Notable among these is the Spiderwort. They look like someone rather mad designed them; with the strange angles to the leaves, and the three petaled flowers. They are diurnal, which means each flower lasts just…
Florence – Monday Portrait
Today was my last portrait session in Tallahassee, as next Monday my cats and I will be flying back to Seattle. We watched expectantly as different possible portrait models walked through our room, after Tom told us our model wasn’t coming. And then Florence walked in. She was diminutive and soft spoken. She couldn’t see…
Sawtooth Palmetto on a postcard
This is the pretty fan-leaved shrubby tree that most people think of as a Palmetto. With a casual glance, they are hard to tell from the Sabal, but the Sabal’s leaves are not so round. I am really loving painting these trees in misty vague landscapes. I hope you are enjoying them too.
The area of Florida which includes Tallahassee has 4 native Palmettos. They are really hard to tell apart. They all have wonderful fans and catch the light in so many different ways, I want to make a study of them. Here is an attempt at the Sabal Palmetto. This little painting is for sale, $35.00.…
Monday Portrait – Judy
Judy was the tiniest little lady, about the same size as my sister in law, Chris Faubion. We put her in the chair and her feet did not touch the floor so we gave her something to put her feet on. She was a very good model. I wondered what stories she could tell, you…