A walk in the park
Yesterday I had the good fortune to spend my afternoon in the Washington Arboretum. The sun was shining and all the Rhododendrons and Azaleas were blooming. I tried to show the deep shadows next to the brightly glowing flowers. It’s a lot trickier to paint this stuff on location, but it was fun to try.
A point of Interest
I have been studying the photography of Edward S. Curtis; we have been viewing his actual folios and some of his pictures just beg to be painted. This painting is from Edward Curtis’s original photograph called “A point of interest” It features 3 Navaho men on a knoll looking off into the distance. It was…
Liberty Bell a fresh try
Liberty Bell is part of the North Cascades range, and you can’t get there until they open the roads in the late spring. It’s one of the most incredible rock formations I’ve ever seen and it inspires me to continue to try to paint it. This one’s for sale too. It would look great on…
hot pink against the blue sky
Landscaper Arthur Lee Jacobson suggested I put this tree in my yard instead of a regular redbud This is my representation of the Cercis Silaquastrum. Even though it’s spindly and doesn’t drop its seed pods, every spring we are treated to a feast of color even when it’s grey outside. But when the sky is…
His daddy’s shoe
Like many artists, I can’t just paint when I think I should. I need inspiration. This morning, one of my friends posted a photo of their little dog… I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. While the colors and composition were good, in fact, the whole idea of the dog falling asleep waiting for…