Nobility in other animals
Since my childhood, I have loved all animals and one of the things that often inspires me to paint would be a photograph that shows the character of another animal. I am friends with someone, a long time dog owner, who recently adopted a kitten. I have followed the story of the dog warming up…
My sunflower
More than 40 years ago, I lived in sunny Idaho, and grew giant sunflowers. It was so easy to do. I tried to grow some after I moved to Seattle, and found the experience to be rather discouraging, so I quit. This year, thanks to my husband’s feeding of wild birds in the yard, I…
Imaginary landscape
Sometimes when searching for a subject, an artist will make splashes and color and then decide what to paint. This painting started just like that. I finished it a couple of years ago, and set it aside; it still was not pleasing to me. Last week, I looked at it and knew what I had…
summer rain
July is usually a pretty dry month here in Seattle, and when it does rain, it normally doesn’t even register more than a trace. But this morning, We were awakened by the noise of rain drops, and it rained for quite a while. It even thundered, once. I looked into my back yard and the…
A cat in primary colors
Just for fun, a little abstract cat. Enza was my model, but she didn’t stick around very long. This kitty needs a home. If you buy it for $30.00, I will donate $30 to International Society of Endangered Cats. It supports research and conservation of wild cat species all over the world.