Arizona wild life – stop here
In 2009, while Donald rode his bike 120 miles including a 30 mile mountain climb, I went to the Saguaro national park in Tucson, Arizona and plein aire painted this little scene. A very ubiquitous plant here is the prickly pear, and in this painting it is joined by some Saguaros and a Cactus Wren.…
Day 18 – a political poster
I’ve never been glib. I am not good at thinking up witty responses (in time for them to have any effect), nor am I good at slogans. For that reason, I never considered going into advertising with my art. What I can do is portray emotions, and paint them. So this is how I imagine…
Day 17 – reflective surfaces
Since yesterday, my true love spent over an hour renewing the shine on my Revereware copper bottomed tea kettle, I decided it was only fitting that I should paint it for the reflective exercise. Today is about as dark and shadowless as a day can be in Seattle, so thanks to artificial light, I found…
Day 9 – I have a dream
For day 9 of the drawing a day challenge started by Seattle Artist League, the suggestion was to paint a dream. And I thought of all kinds of dreams I could have had, but then realized I did have a dream, a real dream come true, when Barack Obama became President of the United States…
Something that flies – day 5
It seems to be a custom among artists to join up 30 day challenges to keep us painting, particularly in January. I joined this challenge, which is coming from the Seattle Artist League which is located somewhere in North Seattle. We are told that we can take 15 minutes to paint or draw something. The…