a cat named Little Singer
I have been very proud and happy to be painting pictures of and for Il Gattaro di Aleppo. After painting another portrait of Alaa, I saw this adorable little cat sitting, a little timidly, with her tail wrapped around her front paw. I had to paint her! She’s so beautiful. Some of these Syrian cats…
The cat man of Aleppo – 2
In some ways, the world has gotten very small thanks to social media. I have friends all over the world, including one in Syria. It’s easy for us Americans to pretend that places like Syria don’t exist, that is, until you actually KNOW someone there. And this is my friend Mohammed Alaa Aljaleel. He was…
A cat named Ernesto
I recently posted about the cat man of Aleppo, Mohammed Alaa Aljaleel, Il Gattaro di Aleppo. This is one of his pets. Ernesto seems to be a very easy going lovable little cat who clearly appreciates his human. Recently Alaa, as he is called, went to Turkey where he received all sorts of cat toys,…
the cat man from Aleppo
One of the wonders of the internet includes the possibility for me to have friends just about anywhere. I had heard about a man in Aleppo, in Syria, in that horrible dangerous place, that was taking care of all the cats that fleeing people had to leave behind. What kind of man does that? He…
A friend in Syria
I recently read a post being circulated by Americans trying to justify the changes in visa laws for people in Syria and several other countries. It demonized the people who live in those countries. This woman is caring for the pet cat that belonged to someone evacuated from Aleppo. She looks like someone who could…