First Georgetown – Seattle Farmer’s Market
After weeks and weeks of dreary grey, Saturday dawned with a brilliant light, and the air was sweet. I had already missed the Columbia City Farmer’s market 3 weeks in a row, because every Wednesday in May was rainy and I just didn’t feel like riding my bike down there to walk around in the…
Renin’s hat
Renin came to our house one dark stormy night here in Seattle wearing this awesome hat. I knew I had to paint her wearing it. Just think, I could have painted your face, it would have been a perfect father’s day present for someone!
Sunshine Award
Well this is a First for me! I’ve been nominated for a sunshine award by fellow blogger Alison Schuchs The Sunshine Award is a blogger award for creativity and positively, and its an honor to receive it! The rules for accepting the award are: Put the logo on your blog or within your post. Pass…
Lucia revisited
It seems that by using wet on wet, Lucia looks more like the Lucy we all knew. She still looks a little too old, but the face is finally hers, at least seems like it to me. I tried to use colors that looked ancient, after all, this is from a 90 year old photograph…
Megan unposed
I painted Megan again. This time I used a new technique, placing wet paint on wet paper. I wanted to preserve the softness of her skin and to show how she glows. It looks like I’m getting a little closer.