Silvana – time for a break
Italian women pride themselves on their clean, orderly homes, their freshly ironed linens, and of course the food they cook. This painting was inspired by a photo of my cousin Silvana, who lives in Sersale, a small town in Calabria. Many times when we spoke, she told me she was cleaning her house or ironing…
A contest – that little beige house up the street
What does this painting tell you? Is there a story in it? Want to share? If I like your story/explanation, you will win one of my small original paintings. Post your story here on my blog in the comments or on Facebook, using a link to this blog page and this painting. Does the sky…
Are you in the mood?
photography by Les Dozsa (click on his name to see more of his great photos) How do you get yourself into the mood to paint, or cook, or write, or whatever your craft is? I’d like to tell you about how my day at the Renton Art and Antique fair went. I was one of…
A murder of crows
Still freshly smitten from visiting Maine with the Farnsworth Museum full of Andrew Wyeth’s sketches and paintings, and the Olson house, where he painted over 300 paintings, I decided I should take some of Andy’s unspoken advice and study my subjects a little more. For some reason I wanted to study crows. In real life,…
Meet the artist! Mark the date!
Come join us for the 5th 2010 Renton Art and Antique Walk on Saturday, August 28 from 11:00am to 6:00pm. Over 70 artists will take part in this year’s event along S. 3rd Street in Downtown Renton. In addition to artist, we will have an animal petting area and a robotics display. For more details…