This commissioned painting celebrates one of the more exciting bike rides I have ever been on. It was a race! an uphill race!
Each team must consist of three people, and both sexes need to be on each team. One year, my husband Donald talked me into participating and put me on the back of a tandem with a big strong fast rider named Pete with my other team mate being my son Tom! Yes, it was irresistible. I told him I was afraid to go too fast (there were downhills involved too) and he told me when I got scared, to just shut my eyes. So I did! We came in third and came home with fancy mugs. Later I heard my husband and Pete talking about how we had gone up to 55 mph!
The Redmond Cycling Club is putting together another Menage a Trois race for 2014 and this little painting will be used to advertise it.
The race will be held on February 16th, a Sunday from 10am to 2pm at Carnation Farm, in Carnation, Washington. I will be one of the volunteers there, my racing days are over. Well, at least for now.