During my last trip to Italy, I took a lot of photos in hopes that when I got home (and had time) I would have time to turn them into paintings. This is one I took in Sersale. I love the arched doorways and the light coming from within on this one really caught my eye. I really liked the shadows and the way the red paint in the distant wall and of the letters in the arch accented the whole thing nicely. As I painted the letters, I tried to figure out what they signified. I really couldn’t imagine what word that was, it wasn’t VICOLO or USCITA. My husband took one look and declared, “That’s GABINETTO.”   and there it is, a beautiful painting of the entrance to a Gabinetto. or actually, a toilet, in old fashioned Italian.

4 responses to “IL GABINETTO”

  1. Hi Mimi!
    I knew you were taking many photos on your last trip to la bella Italia.. i can understand why this entry-way would have caught that artistic eye of yours!!! Che peccato e` l’entrata del (ahem) gabinetto..
    You have rendered it beautifully.. love the inclusion of the gattino!
    Bello e brava!

  2. I like this one especially!!

    Very nice, the light, the cat, the colors….and even the touch of humor that is not immediately apparent. Great job!

  3. I just want to say — you are a wonderfully talented artist, and I enjoy seeing your paintings!

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