Category: portrait

  • Chace – the story of one serval

    Gather round, I have a story to tell. While the Serval Cat, native to Africa, can be found south of the Sahara desert, it is not considered to be endangered, even though they are now extinct in many areas like Morocco,Tunisia and Algeria. This painting is of a cat named Chace, whose early life is…

  • A cat called the Kodkod – Oncifelis guigna

    Happy New Year! Imagine a cat smaller than the cat on your lap; but it looks just like a Jaguar. What an amazing little creature! According to wikipedia they weigh up to five and one half pounds (my tiny cat Nutmeg weighs 8 pounds and she’s not overweight!) and they have a long thick tail.…

  • Young Pallas cat watching.

    The Pallas cat, also called the Manul, is a small wild cat that lives in the cold barren regions of central Asia – the steppe grassland regions of Mongolia, China and the Tibetan Plateau as well as Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. They look much larger than a house cat because of their huge feet and thick…

  • A Tortie with some Attitude

    Sacha’s portrait is the third of a series of 4 kitty paintings that I am doing for Kitty Harbor. Sacha has already been adopted, but I still love her face. Kitty Harbor really impressed me, at the end of their season, all of their kitties were adopted. There are still lots of other kitties that…

  • A portrait of Brian down under

    Every year for 4 years I have participated in a portrait swap via’s portrait forum. This year I got a guy in Australia who had never painted a portrait before. I really liked his face. It looked like he lived through a lot, and even though he was smiling, he looked a little sad.