Day 10 – nonna on the 3rd floor – Napoli
In the amazing city of Naples, people watching is a fine art. Everyone is looking at everyone. Some older people pass their day watching… everything. This old woman lived opposite from our friend’s apartment. I found her to be more entertaining than the people she was watching. This painting is on sale, it is bargain…
Day 9 – what do you want!
As Donald was trying to take a picture of a nice storefront on Spaccanapoli, the most famous street in Naples, this old man walked into view. Clearly unhappy with the fact that he was facing my husband’s camera, the old man protested. But it was too late. The photo was taken. This painting is on…
Day 8 – It’s not in the bag! (1st of the Naples series)
In 2006, my husband and I spent two weeks in one of the most colorful cities in the world… Naples.. We rented a furnished apartment and every day we did a commute which included taking the subway and walking through the most amazing crowds of people. My husband spent his days attending an Italian immersion…
Day 4 – Summit at Sunset
My imaginary cyclist just spent all day climbing the hills and made it to the top of one at sunset. You can see the deep shadows as the very last light from the sky touches the side of the bicycle and the tree. This 5″ x 7″ Original Watercolor painting is SOLD!
Zio Totò a most memorable person
In 1989, with the proceeds of my husband’s $800 bonus check, I went with my mother to Italy. We stayed in Rome for a week, and then we took a quick trip to Sersale, a small town in Calabria where my grandfather was born, and we stayed there just 24 hours. The trip to Calabria…