Category: portrait

  • 18 – a more painterly portrait

    While it is certain to me that the subject of this painting probably prefers the previous painting better (blue shirt), I am still learning how to do portraits, and there are some important elements in this newer one that are not the same in the previous but more accurate one, shown here: What I really…

  • 16 – Less is more

    Ok, the lesson for today is “less is more” I want you to compare today’s painting with the one I did for St Valentine’s day. I took a lot longer trying to get the likeness in the VD painting, making a million pencil lines and erasures, and in the end, it still wasn’t right. The…

  • 15 – Faces on the bus

    I took the 60 bus today to the dentist and back, and with drawing pad in hand, I sketched some of my fellow passengers. The most interesting face was an old Native American woman. She was missing her bottom teeth and kept pushing her lower lip out. To my surprise, on my way home, she…

  • 14 – my valentine

    If you are lucky, you will have one of these (a true love) for part of your life. I was. This is a sketch of my husband with his wonderful uproarious smile. This could turn into loud laughter in an instant. This smile makes me smile every time I see it. The smile is the…

  • Day 12 – Megan coloring

    While Megan colored, Tom showed me possible candidates for my next historical sketch. Megan and I are sharing a coloring book, I color one page, then she colors the next. It’s been kind of fun. And a perfect opportunity to catch a face for my 12th day in this challenge.