Manul or Pallas’s cat
One of the least known cats in the world, existing on the very edges of the earth, are the manul. They can be found on the steppes of China and Russia and make their homes in Tibet at altitudes above 16,000 feet. While they look much bigger than our domestic cats due to their wonderful…
The Hornist
When I dream a painting, I have to try and paint it. Rarely, it comes out like the dream painting, always it’s an exciting painting experience, taking me where I had not thought to go. This painting is of a very special horn player, my son. After waking up from the dream, I searched through…
The Waterfall at Misol Ha
My husband and I had the good fortune to travel to Chiapas, Mexico this spring. One of the most beautiful places we visited was this waterfall. We had enough time that I sat down right there, with that amazing scene before me and painted it in my little travel journal. Then I painted it again.…
a cat named Little Singer
I have been very proud and happy to be painting pictures of and for Il Gattaro di Aleppo. After painting another portrait of Alaa, I saw this adorable little cat sitting, a little timidly, with her tail wrapped around her front paw. I had to paint her! She’s so beautiful. Some of these Syrian cats…
The cat man of Aleppo – 2
In some ways, the world has gotten very small thanks to social media. I have friends all over the world, including one in Syria. It’s easy for us Americans to pretend that places like Syria don’t exist, that is, until you actually KNOW someone there. And this is my friend Mohammed Alaa Aljaleel. He was…