Category: dogs

  • 19 – Dog in a box 2

    I started painting this doggy the same way I did the last one, but as I got close to finishing, I heard Stella’s words in my head and went back and added a bit more color. I have a wonderful model for these paintings. Isn’t she fun? This painting measures 6″ x 6″ and is…

  • 17 – Dog in a box

    A lot of my friends are dog people, and after I did my “cat in a box” series last month, one of my doggy friends told me I needed to do a “dog in a box” series. So this is my first attempt. Ghett (pronounced Jet) is a very happy Airedale living in Arkansas. She…

  • Thirty day challenge – collage

    What a month! I made a collage of all the work I did. I sold ten paintings out of thirty, and made almost 400 dollars for endangered species conservation! There are several more of these paintings for sale. If you travel backwards on this blog, you can see which are available and which are not.…

  • Day 30 – What’s a whippet

    My best friend lives in Arkansas where she works her special magic on people and their dogs. Sometimes, the dogs and people have troubles getting along, and according to my friend, the problem is rarely because of the dog, but more because of the humans. Some of the dogs she works with are learning agility,…

  • My first dog memorial

    Sophie was an older dog who was a regular at Seward Park Clay studio, where I have been spending much of my time. She was not noteworthy herself (in my opinion) but the relationship she had with her human was very sweet. I watched them interact day after day, and then one day, she was…