Patrizia – cugina bravissima
When I was young, my grandfather gave me an address so I could write to my cousins in Italy. One cousin, Patrizia, wrote back to me in English! She invited us to her home in Rome. We took her up on this offer, my mother and I traveled to her great city, and for a…
summer rain
July is usually a pretty dry month here in Seattle, and when it does rain, it normally doesn’t even register more than a trace. But this morning, We were awakened by the noise of rain drops, and it rained for quite a while. It even thundered, once. I looked into my back yard and the…
The Graduation of Doctor Boothby
It was a lot of fun to attend the graduation ceremony at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada. A very close family member graduated with a PhD in Mathematics, the first PhD in my family. So many deceased relatives had to have been there, thrilled and cheering to see this happening. Since it was in…
A flying ride – with Donald
A friend asked me about doing a painting of Donald on his bike and as a result, I revisited a painting that I did of Donald FOR Donald some years ago. He loved crows and he also loved being on his bike of course. The reference for this painting was from when he was riding…
Self portrait with Tomatoes
It was time to do another self portrait, so I dressed up as a peasant. This summer Seattle (where I live) had more tomatoes that grew and ripened than any year since I’ve been here. My ancestors grew tomatoes in Southern Italy (and my cousins still do) so this painting represents my grandmothers and their…