Author: admin

  • A really good book

    The other day on the light rail, I sat across from this gentleman. The novel in his hands was fraying. Most of the front cover was gone, the inside front page was in tatters. He was so intent on what he was reading, that when I snapped a picture of him with my trusty phone/digital…

  • Juried into an art show, no, TWO art shows

    We never really think much about how those paintings hanging on walls in art galleries got there. What is it all about? This summer I responded to two different invitations to juried art shows. A juried show is one where someone decides whose paintings will appear in the show. Then they are judged, and winners…

  • Mail art – a life long love affair

    When I was six, we moved away from the street where I had lived for my entire life. We had lived in 3 different apartments there before life as I knew it shattered forever. It seemed that my two best friends, one, a girl named Roberta, and the other, a boy named Michael O’Hara, were…

  • Fun with Marbling – cats

    I took a paper marbling workshop with Liz Walker. I immediately got all kinds of ideas about what I was going to do with some paintings that I had already done. The workshop was two days long, and Liz promised us that we’d get messy. I walked into a room that was completely covered with…

  • Laurie Rose

    Once there was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very very good. No wait, that’s not the story. When I was just newly married, my husband raved about a little niece of his. She was adorable. She was the fourth…