Author: admin

  • Day 3 – A little sunrise

    There is something magical about the tracery of light and dark in the branch structure of a Fir tree. I see this tree a lot and use it in a lot of my paintings. I love the way the sky came out on this one. And can you see who is in the tree? This…

  • Crows landing

    Living in the city, we don’t have quite the variety of wildlife that you might find in the woods. The smartest of our prolific birds is the crow. A day without crows here is as rare as a day without cars. Doesn’t happen. This painting is sold!

  • 30 paintings in 30 days – vivid sunrise

    As part of an artistic challenge, I am planning to do a painting every day for 31 days. Leslie Saeta is leading the challenge, and over 300 artists are participating. EEEk. My first painting is an attempt to capture the intense sunrises we have around here when the cloud cover is almost complete, just a…

  • Zio Totò a most memorable person

    In 1989, with the proceeds of my husband’s $800 bonus check, I went with my mother to Italy. We stayed in Rome for a week, and then we took a quick trip to Sersale, a small town in Calabria where my grandfather was born, and we stayed there just 24 hours. The trip to Calabria…

  • Selfie – word of the year

    Time for a new self portrait. I like my hair with a bit of henna, and just colored it so was inspired to paint the only person in the house. I love to do portraits but it is unusual for me to have the opportunity to paint from life. With a nod to Rembrandt, this…