Author: admin

  • Garden Plein Aire

    In a little more than a week I am going to Oaxaca, Mexico with 5 other painters to paint en plein aire, which means, paint outside, live. I thought I would try my new setup in my front yard, which is just bubbling with daffodils. My lion, Leo, looks a bit baffled by the light…

  • Mamma plays bass

    After a brief hiatus, I picked up the brushes again today. Last night I went to the inaugural concert of the Lake Washington Symphony Orchestra. My son, a french horn player, is a part of this group and he more or less told me I HAD to go because I would like the music. He’s…

  • 28 – Harriet Tubman

    For my last daily face, I decided to go back to the historical, where I started. I had hoped to work on making more pretty faces, but instead, life threw me a real curve ball and I didn’t have time or energy to do extras, and had to rely on my family for most of…

  • 27 – This time it’s good – my mother

    This time I used a small old photo for a reference, instead of a blown up high resolution photo like I did the first time. But WHAT was the difference? Why did my mother’s face pop out at me right away with this one, yet was so frustratingly impossible to capture in the first? Simple.…

  • 26 – My mother – in red

    I don’t like how this came out, only because I am trying to get a likeness, will probably try again another day. Taken from an old photograph of a happy time.