Author: admin

  • Tiger look out

    Tiger, the mighty hunter, the largest cat in the world, you need to look out. You need to use your wits to stay alive. You always have, but now it’s even more important, with threats coming from every direction by humans who are overrunning your habitat. You are one of the most beautiful animals that…

  • All smiles

    On a roll after painting Theresa yesterday, I painted another face. I was fortunate to have gotten the reference photo, taken in natural light, which is the most important consideration for a painted portrait. The smile is one of the most ubiquitous facial poses we see, but it is the hardest to paint. Smiles are…

  • Glowing Motherhood

    Needing to get back to painting some portraits, I picked some of my favorite people to paint. When I start a portrait, it’s always scary because I don’t know it it’s going to turn out ok or not. I usually draw my subject more than once, to get to know the lines in their face.…

  • Another Acrylic portrait painted in the style of Chris Crites

    Once again I return to this method of painting a face. This is a portrait of my heart side, a man I recently became reacquainted with. This painting method is incredibly useful for learning a face. It helps me see midtones and shadow, and keeps me from painting with the left side of my brain.…

  • The turquoise ocean

    There are many pleasures that come with painting. The pleasure of the colors, the pleasure of the effect of the paper, the pleasure of the results. Daniel Smith Watercolors has actually formulated colors made from semi-precious stones. Most of them are not too impressive to me, but there is one that I really like. I…