Month: April 2011

  • A year of progress – Catania, Sicily

    I painted this first painting about a year ago but was very unhappy with it because it did not really catch the feeling of Catania. When I was a little girl, I often asked my grandmother Maddalena where she was born. She always answered me and I always promptly forgot what she said. I knew…

  • Niimi Dental Clinic – Old Kyoto

    I enjoyed the first google maps “virtual plein aire” painting I did so much that I decided to do another one. This time, I searched a long time to try and find an older neighborhood. Most of Japan is extremely modern, clean lines, grey square framed homes over perfect streets, after a while, I am…

  • Virtually Japan

    A while back I discovered that if you have a Google email account, you can keep track of other people’s block with the Google Reader. Since then I have found a number of blogs, discarded some as boring, and others, I savor just like I used to do reading my favorite newspaper columnist, looking forward…